Top Electrical Safety Tips

Electricity is one of, if not the most important type of energy in the world. Something we take for granted, but we also forget it can be the most deadly. Follow our top tips, to stay safe.

Exposed wires

If you can see that there are exposed wires, DO NOT use that device! Repair the damaged flex, or even replace it.

Avoid standby

When you’re not using an electrical device, switch them off at the plug. This will help decrease any chance of a fire, and it’ll also save you money on that bill!

Don’t ignore your RCD

The residual current device isn’t there to be ignored, it’s there to find faults. If it’s resetting after a reset, then it’s likely that you have an electrical problem, don’t keep resetting it.

Water x electrics do not mix

Sounds like an obvious one, but it’s still a big cause of accidents. Unless the device is designed for use in a water environment, do not use electrical items there. Care is still needed with shavers and electric tooth brushes, so please read the manual carefully.